What is a Google My Business Profile and why do I need it?

By Lee Stoka
  • Digital Marketing
  • Small Business

Think Your Google My Business Listing is Just a Fancy Online Phone Book? Think Again.

If you’re a local business owner, I bet you’ve got a million things on your mind: managing inventory, dealing with customers, and trying to find time to actually run your business. So, when you hear “Google My Business,” you probably think, “Yeah, yeah, another thing to worry about.”

Well, hang tight, because I’m about to tell you why ignoring your Google My Business (GMB) profile is like leaving money on the table – a lot of money. This isn’t just an online phone book; it’s your digital storefront, your 24/7 customer service rep, and your secret weapon for beating the competition.

But I’m Already on Facebook… Why Do I Need Another Profile?

Listen, I get it. Juggling social media is a full-time job in itself. But here’s the deal: when people want to find a local business, they turn to Google. A whopping 46% of all Google searches are looking for local info. That’s folks in your neighbourhood searching for a plumber, a coffee shop, or – hopefully – your business.

Your GMB profile is what shows up in those local search results: the big box with your business name, address, phone number, website, photos, and even customer reviews. It’s prime real estate in the online world, and you’d be crazy not to claim it.


Okay, Okay, You’ve Got My Attention… So, What’s the Big Deal?

Glad you asked! Let’s break down the benefits of a well-optimised GMB profile:

  1. Be the Big Fish in Your Local Pond: When someone searches “best sushi near me,” your GMB profile can make you the first (and maybe only) option they see. Local SEO is super-powered by Google My Business, and that means more eyes on your business.
  2. Show Off Your Stuff: Upload mouthwatering food pics, showcase your snazzy storefront, or give a behind-the-scenes peek at your awesome team. Visuals are powerful, and a well-stocked GMB profile is like a mini-website that entices customers to check you out.
  3. Build Trust with Reviews: According to BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. Your GMB profile is a hub for customer feedback – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Responding to reviews (even the negative ones) shows you care and builds trust with potential customers.
  4. Make it Easy for Customers to Connect: Your GMB profile prominently displays your phone number, address, website, and even directions. Make it effortless for customers to get in touch or find you.
  5. Get Insights into What’s Working: GMB offers a treasure trove of data. You can see how many people find you, what they search for, and whether they visit your website or call you. It’s like having a free marketing consultant whispering in your ear!

“Sounds Great, But Setting This Thing Up Seems Complicated…”


Don’t sweat it! Setting up and optimising your GMB profile is easier than you think. Here’s the basic playbook:

  1. Claim Your Business: If you haven’t already, claim your business on Google. It’s free and only takes a few minutes.
  2. Fill Out Every Detail: Don’t skip any fields. Add your business hours, services, products, and anything else that’s relevant to potential customers.
  3. Upload High-Quality Photos: Showcase your best side with appealing images that reflect your brand and what you offer.
  4. Encourage Reviews: Ask happy customers to leave a review on your GMB profile. This social proof can be a powerful magnet for new business.
  5. Keep it Fresh: Regularly update your profile with new photos, posts, and special offers. Think of it as your digital bulletin board to keep customers in the loop.

“Okay, I’m in. But I’m Still Busy Running My Business…”

We hear you! If the thought of tackling your GMB profile on top of everything else seems daunting, companies like Digital Den are here to help. We specialise in making your business shine online with services like web design, SEO, and paid advertising. A strong web presence is essential for attracting new customers and growing your business in the digital age. We’ll handle the techy stuff so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

The Bottom Line

In the digital world, your Google My Business profile isn’t just a listing; it’s your virtual storefront, your marketing hub, and your direct line to potential customers. Don’t miss out on this free and powerful tool to boost your local business. Get your GMB profile in tip-top shape and watch the customers come rolling in.

Need a hand? Drop us a line at Digital Den – we’re always happy to chat about how we can help you take your online presence to the next level.

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I'm Lee, and I've been where you are.

As a business owner myself I understand the struggles of getting your digital marketing in order. 

You are probably thinking that mine should be a shining light of ideas, but it’s more like a builder who’s house is never finished. Or a professional cleaner who never gets around to cleaning their house.

Digital marketing takes time, creative juices and patience. Business owners very rarely have tonnes of time for this, and that’s why I founded Digital Den. 

We help business owners just like yours in front of thousands of customers to sell your product or service.

Want to see how I can help your business?
Lee Stoka

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